RPD Announces Pickleball Courts Coming to Moscone Playground

Dual-lined Courts in the Marina District !!

See the press release https://sfrecpark.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1695

In an interesting development, Rec & Park announced launching a project to install 6 dual-lined PB courts on the two tennis courts adjacent to the Middle School on the west side of the Park.  The courts should become available by Spring.  These courts have lights, meaning evening play is possible..

Earlier this week, Moscone Park had been listed as a potential court site in email responses from RPD regarding the shut down of 6 courts at Presidio Wall.  This press release makes the new project official. There are still important details to work out regarding this transition including:

  • synchronization of project dates to minimize court availability “down time” between closure of PW and the opening of Moscone
  • net provisioning at Moscone – rolling nets?  “bring-your-own-net” only?  checkout of “portable nets” from the Rec Center building (when open) ?
  • court reservation policies and booking system availability

Nonetheless, we are very glad to see the announcement. 

Thank you Rec & Park !!  And a big shout out to Supervisor Stefani !! 

Meanwhile at the Presidio …

Our understanding is that nothing has changed with the announced Presidio Wall court 3-4 Pickleball closure plan to revert to the pre-Larsen schedule.  The rolling nets will be removed as requested on Friday, Jan 19.  There will be no more reserving of Pickleball courts G-L on Spotery, only tennis court reservation slots. The Pickleball court lines will be removed as weather permits .

Per our last post, we continue to recommend that RPD:

  1. Delay all PW deadlines and host a neighborhood public outreach forum
  2. Defer the Presidio court closure until alternate sites are painted and access rules established

Courts 1-2 play will be Pickleball open-play as usual.

We will notify you of any additional changes or updates.

Thanks to everyone that participated in moving these efforts forward by supporting, writing, collaborating, signing, posting, threading, calling and organizing. 

What a wonderful & spirited community !!