Official hours reflect Community response to neighborhood noise complaints

Neighbors living near the courts have noticed that Pickleball can be a noisy sport. Sure we all come out to have fun, but that there’s no denying that the paddle and ball make a distinctly annoying sound to many ears and the joyous noise of enthusiastic competition definitely resembles the best of rowdy playground enthusiasm. But at 6:30 AM on a Sunday?? – well neighbors should be afforded consideration to “sleep in”, particularly when the ambient commuter traffic “roar” from 19th Ave. is not really a thing.

So, to be a good neighbor ourselves, we have agreed to RPD posting play hours for Larsen – 7 AM start until sunset (no artificial lighting allowed, please).

Let’s be considerate and abide, or .. (remember Presidio Wall court 3/4 noise complaints?!?? Those courts were SHUT DOWN as you recall). So do your part and encourage your sport mates to do the same!

Thanks everyone.

Your Larsen Pickleball Leadership Team.